Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) is a freely accessible academic search engine that accesses over 70 million documents to find readers what they're looking for on the web. Simple yet powerful, BASE offers a few possibilities in its Basic Search, Advanced Search, and Browsing options. For instance, typing "Tibetan Buddhism" into Basic Search returns hundreds of documents, digital library exhibits, and websites in English and other languages. For readers who are looking for more specific sources, the Advanced Search option can be customized to search by title, author, subject headings, URL, as well as by over a dozen document types (books, articles, maps, software, etc.). BASE is an...
The Journal of Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology's purpose "is to encourage the sharing of knowledge and collaboration among the wide variety...
The Global Education Project of the Resource for Science Education Program offers the Weather Here and There educational unit. The Web site consists of six...
Authored by Paul Doherty, Pearl Tesler and Noel Wanner for Exploratorium, this site analyzes the physics of skateboarding in great detail. It goes into many...
This applet simulates the behavior of a simple RLC circuit with an AC voltage source. The user can change the period of the voltage source, the inductance, and...
This lesson provides an introduction to the world oil market and the United States' dependence on it. Topics include our current usage, sources, and the...
AMSER is a portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use.
AMSER is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the National Science Digital Library, and is being created by a team of project partners led by Internet Scout.
Make sure to check out AMSER's AMSER Science Reader Monthly. The AMSER SRM provides readers with a useful online collection of information about a particular topic related to applied math and science by combining freely available articles from popular journals with curriculum, learning objects, and web sites from the AMSER portal. The AMSER Science Reader Monthly is free to use in the classroom and is available here and can also be found under the About tab on the AMSER homepage.
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