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Generation A and Bee Extinction...
This resource, created by Paul T. Gallagher of Red Rocks Community College, will invite students to consider the decline in bee population in countries around the world. Students will read Generation A by Douglas Coupland outside of class and use this book as background information for the activity. The activity requires six hours to complete - three class meetings researching and creating presentations. This three page pdf document contains directions for the teacher, student outcomes, and guidelines for creating a grading rubric.
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The First Law of Thermodynamics PDF
This lesson builds upon the previous one (Newton's Second Law) by introducing students to kinetic and potential energy. Topics include a brief description of...
Ground-level Ozone: Your Vehicle PDF
In this activity, students quantify and analyze their personal contributions of smog-forming compounds due to driving. The activity builds upon the previous...
Tectonic Plate Movements and... PDF
This lesson introduces the idea that rates and directions of plate movements can be measured. The discussion centers on the use of mantle 'hotspots' to...
Mineral Identification PDF
This lesson discusses the question 'What is a mineral?' in the context of the guessing game 'Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?'. It introduces a definition of the...
Rock Identification PDF
This hands-on activity covers the basics of rock identification. After a brief discussion of the terms 'rock' and 'mineral', students will study the...

AMSER is a portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use.

AMSER is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the National Science Digital Library, and is being created by a team of project partners led by Internet Scout.
Blue lab flasks.
Group of three colorful amanita muscaria mushrooms (Fly Agarics).
Make sure to check out AMSER's AMSER Science Reader Monthly. The AMSER SRM provides readers with a useful online collection of information about a particular topic related to applied math and science by combining freely available articles from popular journals with curriculum, learning objects, and web sites from the AMSER portal. The AMSER Science Reader Monthly is free to use in the classroom and is available here and can also be found under the About tab on the AMSER homepage.

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