1.061 / 1.61 Transport Processes in the Environment

As taught in: Fall 2004


Undergraduate / Graduate


Prof. Heidi Nepf

Dye Study photograph of Lower Bull Run River of Oregon.
Dye Study photograph of the Lower Bull Run River of Oregon. (Photograph courtesy of Prof. Scott A. Wells, Portland State University.)

Course Features

Course Description

This class serves as an introduction to mass transport in environmental flows, with emphasis given to river and lake systems. The class will cover the derivation and solutions to the differential form of mass conservation equations. Class topics to be covered will include: molecular and turbulent diffusion, boundary layers, dissolution, bed-water exchange, air-water exchange and particle transport.

Technical Requirements

RealOne™ Player software is required to run the .rm files found on this course site. Java®plug-in software is required to run the Java® files found on this course site.

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.

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