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This learning activity will provide an introduction to ceramic slip casting for advanced high-school and introductory college and technical school students. The exercise covers the properties of ceramics, the slip...
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, will help students begin to understand nanotechnology, specifically behaviors of materials at the nanoscale. Students will "explore two factors...
This learning activity will provide students with an introduction to the layup method of composite production. Students will use epoxy resin and fiberglass woven cloth to create their own lay-up, and in the process learn...
This is the fourth topic in the series of lessons on math provided by DeafTEC. Gary Blatto-Vallee, a math and science instructor at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, guides viewers through a variety of...
This learning activity will provide an introduction to the tools used for hardness testing of various materials through either in-class demonstration or a PowerPoint presentation and lab combination, depending on the...
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