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This is the second part of a two-part exercise in which students perform an audit and analysis of energy consumption in their homes. In this part, students will estimate the amount of energy they use in their homes and...
This is the first part of a two-part exercise in which students perform an audit and analysis of energy consumption in their homes. This part provides an introduction to the uses of energy in our homes. Topics include...
This capstone activity uses the results of the Home Energy Audit and the Home Energy Analysis activities to investigate how changes in lifestyle affect the amount of energy used in the home. Students will listen to a...
This module is intended for use in a college-level introductory course in alternative and renewable energy. The document covers energy flow analytics. Several useful graphics are included which provide data on energy...
This is the culminating activity in the series of lessons on renewable energy. It serves to reinforce the idea that renewable sources of energy are necessary for a sustainable future, and to discuss some of the present...

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