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COMPS consists of an array of instrumentation both offshore and along Florida's west coast, combined with numerical circulation models, and builds upon existing in-situ measurements and modeling programs. In addition,...
This feature article from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Earth Observatory discusses the use of satellite imagery to evaluate desertification which is occurring in the Sahel, a region of central...
This is an e-book of before-and-after Landsat images (1972-present), showing recent environmental events and introducing the concept of remote sensing. Some changes are due to natural causes and some are due to human...
This resource, published by a commercial producer of GPS equipment, introduces students to the concept of Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Topics include how GPS works and how accurate it is. There is also a brief...
This resource is a Google group page for the organization KanGIS. The group's stated purpose is to "support community for educators interested in using geotechnologies, including GIS, GPS and geocaching, digital globes,...
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