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A problem (with solution) sent by Prof. W. McWorter's: Byzantine Basketball is like regular basketball except that foul shots are worth a points instead of two points and field shots are worth b points instead of three...
A unit that introduces flowcharting as a technique for solving math word problems in a logical, ordered sequence. Basic charting concepts of categorizing data and information in groups of input and output data,...
The Subcommittee on Developmental Mathematics (jointly of the Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics and the Committee on Professional Development) has started a web page, a mailing list, and other...
The Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) is a collection of research articles "related to differential equations and their applications." There are over 50 articles for the current volume, possibly with...
Central to good science are accurate observations, testable hypotheses, well-designed experiments or other tests, and reasonable data analyzes. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the basics of designing and...
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