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This case study describes a research study in which a number of ethical questions come up. It helps to communicate the fundamental ethical principles that apply to research involving human subjects. The material would be...
In this YouTube video, created by Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), viewers are introduced to the concept of DNA microarrays including what they are and how they are used today. DNA microarrays are used...
Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics, this Website offers information and news related to bioethics (also called Medical Ethics) -- namely, the study of moral issues in the fields of medical...
This site explains the strategies and tools that companies can use to pursue sustainable business practices and includes successful case studies, information on markets for green products and services, banking and...
Housed at the University of Minnesota, the mission of the Center for Bioethics is “to advance and disseminate knowledge concerning ethical issues in health care and the life sciences.” To accomplish this important...
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