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The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission uses twin satellites to make detailed measurements of Earth's gravity field. GRACE materials include a description of the mission, research projects, and...
This web site provides science results, information, and mission updates for NASA's Swift Mission. Swift is the first space observatory dedicated to the study of the origin and evolution of gamma-ray bursts. A thorough...
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) maintains this centralized resource on NOAA satellites, of interest to life and physical scientists alike. Featured and described here are NOAA's National...
A joint US and France project, the TOPEX-Poseidon satellites continuously measure sea surface height. The oceans store and transport solar heat, helping to keep Earth's climate in balance. The overall shape of the...
As part of NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, the Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry specializes in the analysis of satellite altimeter data related to problems in physical...
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