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Communication of water supply information (1)
Country and city subdivisions (6)
Examination and analysis of water (2)
Qualities of water. Water quality (20)
Saline water conversion (2)
Sources of water supply (11)
Study and teaching (2)
Water conservation (12)
Water pollution (30)
Water purification. Water treatment and conditioning (15)
Water quality management (12)
Water quality monitoring (8)
Water waste and its prevention (1)



Brought to you by Canada’s Digital Collections Initiative, this website provides a full listing of Canadian Civil Engineering Historic sites, including sites involving both Canadian and American engineers and contractors...
From the USGS Water Science for School's web site, this page describes domestic water uses that include water for all the things you do at home: drinking, preparing food, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, brushing...
Water Resources: This is a page from the USGS's Water Science for School's web site. This article answers the question: How much water is there on (and in) the Earth?
Every year, many policy specialists and government officials eagerly await the annual Human Development Report issued by the United Nations Development Programme. Released in early November 2006, this year�s report was...
The SAGUARO project CD-ROM features three learning modules that use GIS to learn about earth system science. The three modules - Exploring Tropical Cyclones, Exploring the Dynamic Earth, and Exploring Water Resources -...
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