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(1 classification) (6 resources)

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Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering (350)



This guidebook from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) presents information on environmental education curriculum on brownfield areas. The content was originally published on CD-ROM, but...
This activity helps students understand some of the reasoning and science involved in choosing technologies for cleaning up Superfund hazardous waste sites. They discover that the responsibility for selecting the most...
This learning activity from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) is intended to help environmental science or biology students connect a real-world problem to the application of math, science,...
The Support Center for Microsystems Education is a Regional Advanced Technology Education Center funded in part by the National Science Foundation. This unit introduces users to the environmental and bioterrorism...
This learning activity from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) is intended to help environmental science, chemistry or biology students connect a real-world problem to the application of...
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