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The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is an international organization that strives to "serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research... publishing and...
Internationally recognized firm and valuable website for expertise in moisture dynamics, indoor air quality, and forensic (building failure) investigations. Also on the leading edge of the design of sustainable...
CAT is an environmental nonprofit that promotes sustainable living. Its key areas of work are renewable energy, environmental building, energy efficiency, organic growing and alternative sewage systems. The group...
The Environmental Protection Agency's site contains a wealth of information on green guilding: green-built schools, residences, and office buildings. This site also describes what EPA is doing to green its own buildings....
This PDF document from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) presents materials for a course on green building technologies. The document includes a course outline, syllabus and many learning...
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