This resource gives a thorough definition of confidence intervals. It shows the user how to compute a confidence interval and how to interpret them. It goes into detail on how to construct a confidence interval for the...
This introductory course covers simple linear regression, multiple regression, and analysis of variance, as well as statistical model-building strategies. Regression diagnostics, analysis of complex data sets and...
This article, created by Norton Starr of Amherst College, presents a dataset containing the 1970 draft lottery information, which illustrates a nonrandom procedure. Some of the key concepts covered included: Chi-square...
Professors of the University of Washington, Bothell Campus, have designed this course that aims to apply scientific and mathematical discovery to social science questions. Students are trained “to conduct surveys,...
This page, created by Mark Plonsky of the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, gives a description of correlation, Pearson's r, Spearman's rho. There are some scatterplots illustrating the different values of r....
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