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Created by Edith Seier of East Tennessee State University, this lesson by means of a simple story and a worksheet with questions guides the students from research question to arriving at a conclusion. The whole process...
The eighth chapter of an online Introduction to Biostatistics course created by the faculty at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst. Lecture notes are provided and links for additional reading and exercises with...
This site, created by the Department of Statistics at Yale University gives an explanation, a definition and an example of conditional probability. Topics include the probabilities of intersections of events and Bayes'...
Central to good science are accurate observations, testable hypotheses, well-designed experiments or other tests, and reasonable data analyzes. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the basics of designing and...
This classroom example illustrates the concept that estimators are random variables. The example makes use of the classic problem of estimating the size of a population by observing serial numbers, specifically...
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