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(5 resources)
Common applications of data mining include fraud detection and marketing, but data mining has also been applied in paleoecology, and medical genetics as described on this website from the University of Helsinki. The...
DVC is a distributed revision control system and automation framework for data scientists. The DVC documentation is written primarily around machine learning applications, but very similar workflows pop up when...
This overview of machine learning, by Mark Dredze of the Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University, addresses the topic by asking and responding to fundamental questions such as "What does it...
These tutorial, created by Professor Andrew Moore at Carnegie-Mellon University, cover a range of topics in statistical data mining "including the foundations of probability, the foundations of statistical data analysis,...
If you are inspired to try the process, the Weka Machine Learning Project from Waikato University offers open source software that can be used for data mining tasks. Visitors can also find the projects 1993 to 2006...
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