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(5 classifications) (7 resources)

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Color (10)
Cosmic ray physics (6)
Luminescence (8)
Study and teaching. Research (4)
X-rays. Roentgen rays (26)



This is the Chandra X-ray Observatory photo album website. It begins with an introduction on the electromagnetic spectrum, focusing on X-rays in particular. It also contains information on false color images. The images...
This is an interactive Java tutorial, created by Michael W. Davidson of Florida State University, covering the principles of electromangentic wave theory. The user is able to adjust variables such as amplitute and...
This activity introduces students to the properties of electromagnetic radiation in a variety of ways. For example, they put the different types of the electromagnetic radiation on trial, selecting the judge, prosecutor,...
This set of five web pages provides a non-mathematical introduction to the motion of charged particles in magnetic fields. These pages describe the "guiding center motion" which determines the motion of ions and...
This lesson provides an overview of the sources and potential effects of radiation exposure. Topics include the history of the United States' domestic nuclear power program, the concept of ionizing radiation, and how...
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