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(5 classifications) (6 resources)

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Nuclear regulatory commissions (1)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (1)
Study and teaching. Research (10)



This module promotes an appreciation and understanding of energy and its behavior, how we use energy and what its appropriate uses are, some of the gross misuses of energy and how to learn from our mistakes so as to...
An atomic, molecular and optical physics research laboratory at Kansas State University, funded by the United States Department of Energy. Information about the emerging frontiers in atomic and molecular physics and...
This resource, created by Michael W. Davidson of Molecular Expressions, is a series of "Powers of Ten" is sequentially displayed, beginning with a square covering 10^23 m on a side and progressing through 10^-16 m on a...
This lesson provides an overview of the sources and potential effects of radiation exposure. Topics include the history of the United States' domestic nuclear power program, the concept of ionizing radiation, and how...
This is an interactive website exploring the history, people, and landscape of CERN, home of the world's largest particle accelerator. The site examines the scientific and cultural ideas that have emerged from the...
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