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This article by Paul Doherty, Senior Scientist at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, describes the burning peanut experiment and provides an introduction to food energy and how it is measured. The site presents an...
This is the first part of a two-part exercise in which students perform an audit and analysis of energy consumption in their homes. This part provides an introduction to the uses of energy in our homes. Topics include...
Hyperphysics is "a broad-ranging interactive physics exploration environment which is written in HTML with Javascript calculation routines." It was developed by Professor Rod Nave of Georgia State University and is...
For information on thermodynamic data for over 5,000 chemical compounds and on ion-energetics data for over 10,000 chemical compounds, NIST's Chemistry WebBook is available for searching. Compounds can be searched by...
This lesson builds upon the previous one (Newton's Second Law) by introducing students to kinetic and potential energy. Topics include a brief description of these two forms of energy, a discussion of gravity as a form...

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