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Michael Davidson of Florida State University created this introduction to capacitance, which students and those seeking general knowledge will find very useful. This is an interesting tutorial to capacitors. It includes...
This site contains an activity on electrostatics. A styrofoam plate is rubbed with wool to give it a large electric charge that can be transferred to an aluminum pie pan. This electrophorus, or change carrier produces...
To fill the need for a tool testing introductory, undergraduates’ knowledge of basic concepts in electricity and magnetism (EM), the investigator has developed a sixty-six item, multiple-choice diagnostic exam (DEEM)....
This lesson plan contains instructions for conducting an inquiry-based lab to investigate current-carrying coils in magnetic fields. Students construct a simple galvanometer from film cannisters and other...
Download trial software for teaching electricity, trigonometry and electronics. Qualified teachers can request a free trial CD.
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