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(17 classifications) (21 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Electric current (General) (155)
Electric discharge (13)
Electric measurements (1)
Electric oscillations. Electric waves (44)
Electrodynamics (8)
Electrostatics. Frictional electricity (53)
Elementary textbooks (2)
General works, treatises, and advanced textbooks (55)
History (2)
Instruments and apparatus (General) (9)
Ion flow dynamics (1)
Laboratories (1)
Physics of electrons, protons, and other particles (15)
Plasma physics. Ionized gases (27)
Quantum electronics (6)
Special topics, A-Z (7)
Study and teaching. Research (35)



This course is one of the quickStep series offered by Siemens in Electrical Products. These are FREE on-line industrial knowledge building tutorials. quickSTEPs are a great start for industry novices moving into...
This course is one of the quickStep series offered by Siemens in Surge Protection. These are FREE on-line industrial knowledge building tutorials. quickSTEPs are a great start for industry novices moving into technical...
The Community Learning Network "Theme Pages" support the study of electricity and magnetism. Students and teachers will find curricular resources to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are links to...
This lesson plan, authored and curated by David P. Stern, introduces the concept of energy through the ideas of conservation and the ability to run machines. A series of both qualitative and quantitative examples are...
The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) provides this presentation from P.K. Sen on the status of electricity market and pricing. Along with other relevant aspects of the topic, the material...
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