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(7 classifications) (14 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Fluid dynamics. Hydrodynamics (25)
Gas dynamics. Motion of gases (9)
Gases. Pneumatics (10)
Hydrostatics. Floating bodies (1)
Special liquefied gases, A-Z (3)
Special properties of liquids, A-Z (7)
Study and teaching (13)



This site is intended to clear up several misconceptions about the Coriolis forces or Coriolis Effect. The author explains what is affected and what is not and also explains the reasons why. Several incorrect examples...
This National Aeronautics and Space Administration website has QuickTime videos that compare boiling water on Earth and in space. A photo shows the bubble that forms in space once some of the water is boiled. Text...
This webpage is simply an active calculator of buoyancy. It allows changes in mass, apparent mass, volume or density to explore variations. This site would be an excellent resource for any biology, chemistry or physics...
Georgia State University presents an explanation and illustration of buoyancy including Pascal's and Archimede's principles. The site contains helpful diagrams to better explain the concepts addressed. Overall, the site...
Simply in design, Karlene Kurth of Walther Lutheran High School has created this page describes a lab exercise demonstrating Bernoulli's principle by building detailed model gliders. The lesson is structured in this...
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