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Created by John Michel for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to extend the concept of fitting a least squares line to allow fitting more complex functions, including those in which the model...
This applet allows students to manipulate a regression line to obtain the least squares regression line. The square distance from each point to the line and the sum of squares is shown by different colored squares. This...
Created by David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to develop the concept of fitting a least squares line from the concept of orthogonal projection of a vector on a subspace. This...
This lesson, created by Amar Patel of the University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, introduces simple linear regression with several Excel spreadsheet examples such as temperature versus cricket chirps, height versus...
The data, created by Chrys Caroni of the National Technical University of Athens, presented in this article refer to the reliability of ball bearings in manufacturing. The data was originally published by "Lieblein and...
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