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Through the ages, various forms of visual expression have implicitly (and explicitly) drawn on a variety of mathematical principles. The people at the Center for Cultural Design at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are...
A unit designed to use the concepts of ecology and apply them to mathematics, divided into two sections. The first section gives an overview of the topic of ecology and the second section gives lesson plans: examples and...
This website is intended for students for whom English is a Second Language. What makes this course applicable to the math world is that the assigned essay requires mathematical support and graphing as an illustration...
Integration has traditionally been so closely linked to the interpretation as an area and to the techniques of anti-differentiation as to appear inseparable from them. While largely a consequence of the fact that, in...
This Intel-sponsored website offers interactive, educational materials covering topics in chemistry and physics as well as math and biology. For students between the ages of twelve and fourteen, the website offers short...
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