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This simulation-based laboratory activity allows the student to practice several types of graphs and explore the types of information that we can collect from graphs. Coverage include exploration of linear, non-linear...
Two-dimensional (x,y) functions: linear (slope-intercept, point-slope, and general forms), polynomial (definition, roots, graphs), and exponential (definition, exponential growth, radioactive decay, money matters -...
How does a seismograph work? What is the Richter scale? These questions, and many more, are answered by this page, published by HowSuffWorks, Inc. The pages not only examines these issues, but it also provides images...
This algebra lesson from Illuminations has students collect data about the national debt, and then plot that data by decade. They will then determine whether an exponential curve is a good fit for the data. The...
Ptplot is a set of two dimensional signal plotters components written in Java with the following properties: embeddable in applets or applications, auto-ranging, automatic or manual labeling of axes, automatic or manual...
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