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(10 classifications) (16 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Algebraic fields. Algebraic numbers (4)
Cyclotomy. Application of functions to arithmetic (1)
Distribution of primes. Special numerical functions, etc. (2)
Divisibility. Linear congruences. Factorization. Quadratic residues. Diophantine analysis (5)
Exponential and character sums (1)
General works, treatises, and textbooks (3)
Geometry of numbers (2)
Higher congruences, residues. Fermat's theorem (2)
Sequences of integers (3)
Transcendental numbers. Irrational numbers (2)



A non-traditional Algebra text (high school and early college levels) placed on the Web by the Science Education Team at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Browse it on the Web or download a PDF version. Chapter headings...
Written by Leo Moser and presented by the Trillia Group, this virtual text introduces visitors to the theory of numbers. After agreeing to the terms and conditions of use, users will be able to download the full...
In an era increasingly awash with numbers, how can one parse it all out? How is it possible to separate the proverbial quantitative chaff from the valuable wheat? Carleton College has taken on this weighty matter with...
An idiosyncratic and personal selection of particularly important or particularly intriguing mathematical equations, not all of them complicated. Mathematical Constants; The definition of Pi; The definition of e; A...
This is an introduction to Gaussian primes, complex numbers with integers for real and imaginary parts that are divisible by themselves and 1, but no other complex numbers with integer coefficients. This shows...
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