From the Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory of the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) comes the ARS Water Database Web site. The database is a collection of precipitation and streamflow data from small...
The Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration provides data ingest, archive, and distribution services for the Global Hydrology and Climate Center (GHCC). Eight...
This Data Bank is a collection of more than 400 observations of primarily Asian soil moisture. The data are freely available, and can be used for studying patterns of soil moisture variation, developing and testing land...
This exercise from SERC's Starting Point utilizes the national network of stream gage data provided by the USGS Water Resources Division as an online Geographic Information System (GIS). Students use real-time stream...
This is a student activity regarding phytoplankton blooms and their effects on the ecosystem. Students will obtain and analyze data on the variables that influence the spring phytoplankton bloom from buoy monitoring...
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