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(7 resources)
This in-depth site defines sound and describes its measurement, behavior in water, and importance to marine life and humans. Extensive audio gallery includes examples of sound production by invertebrates, fishes, marine...
This site by a Norwegian researcher features descriptions of marine geological formations: pockmarks, mud volcanoes, deep-water coral reefs, and gas hydrates. Using ROV technology, he has taken photos of these deep...
MarineBio.org is an evolving online tribute to all ocean life, marine biology, and marine conservation. Find out about fascinating marine species, get involved in ocean conservation, explore dynamic research and daily...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been documenting the field mission of its ship, the Lophelia II, since 2001. In the fall of 2010, the Lophelia II went to cruise around the Gulf of Mexico...
This summer, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration sent the submersible Alvin down to explore the biology, physics, and chemistry of seafloor methane seeps off the coast of the southeastern U.S. Now...
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