This animation shows the most recent Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data available for the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast region. Users can see the progression of warm waters (shown in yellow, orange, and red)...
This guide provides instructions for educators on how to access and use coral radioisotope data for classroom activities. The data consist of Sr/Ca ratios and Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) for coral samples near...
This guide provides educators with information on the classroom use of buoy data from the Global Drifter Program. This data is produced by an array of over 1000 drifting buoys, monitored by satellite, that make...
This Website offers a review of the surface circulation of Earth's ocean and classroom investigations appropriate for various disciplines at the high school level. Articles and video interviews about ocean current...
A joint US and France project, the TOPEX-Poseidon satellites continuously measure sea surface height. The oceans store and transport solar heat, helping to keep Earth's climate in balance. The overall shape of the...
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