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(14 resources)
In this activity students analyze data from previous research on water motion and feeding behavior of corals and infer how water currents and external morphology may affect the food capture of some particle-feeders. As a...
El Nino is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific with important climatic consequences around the globe. This NOAA theme page features links to widely distributed information. Includes data,...
This guide provides educators with information on the classroom use of buoy data from the Global Drifter Program. This data is produced by an array of over 1000 drifting buoys, monitored by satellite, that make...
This in-depth website describes the Gulf Stream, its place in the North Atlantic Gyre, influence on weather and climate, and role of eddies and rings in distributing heat and salinity. A history, from the 16th to 20th...
Users may learn about ocean currents and the role the oceans play in storing heat and influencing global climate. A special introductory section for teachers provides background information and links to classroom...
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