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(8 resources)
This video segment, adapted from a NOVA broadcast, shows how the members of an Antarctic research team cope with the inhospitable climate and other environmental hazards during their stay. The segment is five minutes...
This video segment, adapted from a NOVA broadcast, shows how sea ice forms in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica and how its seasonal fluctuation dramatically changes the continent. The segment, two minutes thirty-five...
Paul Ward, the designer of this site, spent over two years in Antarctica as a marine biologist with the British Antarctic Survey. Currently a teacher at a community college in Britain, Ward decided to develop this site...
The International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research is produces the Gateway Antarctica. This Web server has been set up to provide the international community with information about Antarctica.
"ICESat (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite) is the benchmark Earth Observing System mission for measuring ice sheet mass balance, cloud and aerosol heights, as well as land topography and vegetation...
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