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Students experiment with plants, light, heat, and water evaporation. They experiment with solar cells to design a simple solar cooker, create a "solar-powered" method to perform a routine task, or build a parabolic solar...
The IEA Greenhouse Gas Programme is an international collaboration that evaluates technologies for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, disseminates the results of these studies and identifies targets for research,...
This unit includes classroom activities to help students understand global warming and its possible effects on human beings. Lessons in the unit provide students with opportunities to study global climate changes,...
This section of the Windows to the Universe web site provides information and images about Earth's atmosphere including detailed information about the layers of Earth's atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, and weather....
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has tracked the national trend in greenhouse gas emissions and removals since 1990. This website provides access to the reports they have created since then, and the reports...
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